auf-git-etc 1.4.6 suivi de /etc et /usr/local via git | Ce paquet permet d'automatiser l'installation d'un suivi de /etc, /usr/local et autres via un dépôt GIT à la racine du système. Le suivi par lui-même est partiellement automatisé en affichant les fichiers modifiés au moment du login et en envoyant des courriels d'information pour chaque commit. En revanche la validation (commit) de ces modifications reste manuelle (cd / ; sudo git commit). |
auf-inventaire-client 0.6 mise en place de l'inventaire automatique d'un client | Ce paquet permet l'installation et la configuration de l'agent FusionInventory qui est utilisé pour l'inventaire automatisé du parc machines de l'AUF. Ce paquet est préconfiguré pour référencer un poste client. |
auf-inventaire-serveur 0.6 mise en place de l'inventaire automatique d'un serveur | Ce paquet permet l'installation et la configuration de l'agent FusionInventory qui est utilisé pour l'inventaire automatisé du parc machines de l'AUF. Ce paquet est préconfiguré pour référencer un serveur. |
auf-keyring 2008.01.16 GnuPG archive key of the repository | The AUF repository digitally signs its Release files. This package contains the repository key used for that. Le dépôt AUF a des fichiers Release signés. Ce paquet contient la partie publique des clés utilisées pour cela. |
auf-sysadmin 1.5.1 Outils AUF d'aide à l'administration système | Ce paquet apporte quelques outils d'aide à l'administration système utilisés à l'AUF : * sysadmin-upgrade : mise à jour du système et des éventuels CT OpenVZ * sysadmin-check-version-arch : versions et archi. des systèmes installés * sysadmin-check-openvz-beans : vérification des dépassements OpenVZ * sysadmin-check-next-boot : vérification des fsck au prochain démarrage |
fusioninventory-agent 2.2.3-2~bpo60+2 Hardware and software inventory tool (client) | FusionInventory Agent is an application designed to help a network or system administrator to keep track of the hardware and software configurations of computers that are installed on the network. This agent can send information about the computer to a OCS Inventory or GLPI server with the FusionInventory for GLPI plugin. |
fusioninventory-agent-task-deploy 1 Software deployment support for FusionInventory | With this module, FusionInventory can accept software deployment request from an GLPI server with the FusionInventory plugin. This module uses SSL certificat to authentificat the server. If the P2P option is turned on, the agent will looks for peer in its network to reduce the bandwidth usage with the primary server. |
fusioninventory-agent-task-esx 1 ESX and ESXi inventory | Do remote inventory of your ESX, ESXi, vCenter server using the SOAP interface. You can import the generated .ocs files in: - GLPI with FusionInventory for GLPI - ocsinventory - Uranos This module can also be controlled from GLPI using the FusionInventory for GLPI plugin. |
fusioninventory-agent-task-network 1 Network device discovery for FusionInventory Agent | This module scans your networks to quickly identifiy its hosts with SNMP, Nmap and NetBIOS request: - networking devices discovery within an IP range - identify unknown MAC addresses The plugin depends on FusionInventory for GLPI on server side. |
libfusioninventory-agent-task-deploy-perl 1 transitional dummy package | This package is a dummy transitional package. It can be safely removed. |
libfusioninventory-agent-task-esx-perl 1 transitional dummy package | This package is a dummy transitional package. It can be safely removed. |
libfusioninventory-agent-task-netdiscovery-perl 2.1-1~bpo60+1 Network device discovery for FusionInventory Agent | This module scans your networks to quickly identifiy its hosts with SNMP, Nmap and NetBIOS request: - networking devices discovery within an IP range - identify unknown MAC addresses The plugin depends on FusionInventory for GLPI on server side. |
libfusioninventory-agent-task-netinventory-perl 1 transitional dummy package | This package is a dummy transitional package. It can be safely removed. |
libfusioninventory-agent-task-network-perl 1 transitional dummy package | This package is a dummy transitional package. It can be safely removed. |
libfusioninventory-agent-task-snmpquery-perl 1 transitional dummy package | This package is a dummy transitional package. It can be safely removed. |
libparse-edid-perl 1.0.4-1 Extended display identification data (EDID) parser | Parse::EDID provides some function to parse Extended Display Identification Data binary data structures. |
libxml-treepp-perl 0.39-1~auf40.1 XML | XML::TreePP module parses XML file and expands it for a hash tree. And also generate XML file from a hash tree. This is a pure Perl implementation. You can also download XML from remote web server like XMLHttpRequest object at JavaScript language. |
vzctl 3.0.23-1dso1~etch0 OpenVZ - server virtualization solution - control tools | OpenVZ is an Operating System-level server virtualization solution, built on Linux. OpenVZ creates isolated, secure virtual private servers (VE) on a single physical server enabling better server utilization and ensuring that applications do not conflict. Each VE's performs and executes exactly like a stand-alone server; VE's can be rebooted independently and have root access, users, IP addresses, memory, processes, files, applications, system libraries and configuration files. This package contain the control tool to manipulate the virtual servers. |